A2S | New Learning Environments 2018/19

BOARDS | LONG WALL BOARDS LONG WALL BOARDS for wall mounting with and without chalk tray the sandwich design allows for the use of various surfaces: · enameled magnetic steel surface in green or white · 0.24’’ thick cork lino cover · 0.16’’ thick cork cover the edges of the writing surfaces are bonded with raised water-proof anodised aluminum strips the edges are protected with rounded plastic caps GREEN STEEL BOARD WHITE STEEL BOARD CORK COVER CORK LINO COVER Dimensions H 3’ 3.37’’ H 3’ 11.24’’ H 4’ 11.06’’ H 3’ 3.37’’ H 3’ 11.24’’ H 4’ 11.06’’ H 3’ 3.37’’ H 3’ 11.24’’ H 3’ 3.37’’ H 3’ 11.24’’ W 3’ 3.37’’ 6810201 6820301 6830501 6815401 W 3’ 11.24’’ 6810202 6820302 6830502 6815402 W 4’ 11.06’’ 6810203 6810204 6820303 6820304 6830503 6830504 6815403 6815404 W 6’ 6.74’’ 6810205 6810206 6820305 6820306 6830505 6830506 6815405 6815406 W 8’ 2.43’’ 6810207 6810208 6820307 6820308 6830507 6830508 6815407 6815408 W 9’ 10.11’’ 6810209 6810210 6810213 6820309 6820310 6820313 6830509 6830510 6815409 6815410 Tray incl. incl. incl. – – – – – – – Long wall board · green magnetic steel surface Optional grid, see page 257 optional image grip rail writing surface enclosed with rounded ‘safety corners’; securely bolted raised covers available in 4 different surfaces